Work Package 10.
Administration, meetings and homepage.
Project coordination and leadership will be done by Henrik Sparholt. A homepage will be made to flash the project to the outside world. A SharePoint site type on the internet for working facilities and project coordination will be made. NMTT will do this.
Guest scientists will be invited to key discussions. These are:
- Yuri Kovalev from Russia, on overall approach, he has been a central scientists developing the density dependent influence on Fmsy for Barents Sea cod and haddock;
- Henrik Gislason, Denmark, world leading expert in life history parameters for fish population and their relation to fish population dynamics and management;
- John Pope, UK, expert in Fmsy estimations and management.
General administration of the project is of course needed. This consist of accounting, payment of honorariums, link to financing agencies etc. NMTT Secretariat will do this.
Key persons: HS (Chair), NN from NMTT (Chair of the general administration), NN NMTT (homepage and SharePoint type site).